Speaker/Moderator Guide


Thank you for volunteering your time to help make URMIA’s educational programming the best of the best! In general, the process you will follow is divided into four phases. First you’ll craft a presentation and have it reviewed by your assigned moderator; then you’ll rehearse with your co-presenters and test your technology; next you’ll set the stage for a successful virtual delivery; and finally, you’ll connect with your audience.


Creating Your Presentation


Speaker Agreement

Please adhere to all terms in the Speaker Agreement. You may not sell or promote a business or product in your presentation.

Training Materials

Review these training materials to enhance your effectiveness:

Style & Platform

Your presentation style will determine the software platform your team will use to present your content. Please review this explanation of Presentation Styles and Platforms and agree upon a presentation style before compiling your content. If your needs differ from the options provided, communicate with your assigned moderator before submitting your final presentation.

Presentation & Materials

  • Download URMIA's presentation templates, and use them to create your presentation slides.
    • Provide enough information in your PowerPoint slides, notes, and handouts for non-attendees to benefit.
    • Presentation materials will be converted to PDFs and shared with attendees via the schedule and mobile app.
  • The PowerPoint file that you upload (following the directions below) will be used for Tech Rehearsals and during the actual online presentation. The maximum file size is 50 MB.
  • Your session will be recorded and published in the URMIA Library.

Draft Presentation Deadline 8/7/20

  • Please work with your assigned moderator to define your team’s presentation style, then complete this form to clarify essential details.
  •  Submit a draft of your presentation to your moderator for review by August 7, 2020.
  • Your moderator will review the presentation materials and, if needed, will provide feedback to presenters by August 14, 2020.

Final Presentation Deadline 8/14/20

  • Please follow these instructions to upload your final presentation materials.
  • If final versions of all presentation materials are not received by August 14, 2020, your session will be removed  from the conference program.


Team Practice

Work with your co-presenters to refine your timing and transitions as you craft your presentation. Once your materials are complete, conduct a dress rehearsal with your entire team. Please use your own platform for team practice sessions, and schedule these on your own.

Tech Rehearsals

Between August 18-26, all speakers must attend at least one Tech Rehearsal session to test the technology they intend to use during their presentation. These short sessions will be led by the URMIA National Office. It is not necessary to attend the same Tech Rehearsal as your co-presenters, as this is not a team rehearsal for content or timing.

  • Complete the requirements listed above before attending your Tech Rehearsal.
  • Sign up for a rehearsal timeslot.
  • Attend your Tech Rehearsal in the location from which you will do your presentation.

During the rehearsal, you will test your Internet bandwidth, lighting, video camera, and audio strength. Also plan to review your slides as they appear on the presentation platform.

the Stage

On your presentation day, please take a few extra measures to avoid disruptions and ensure success.

An Hour Before Your Presentation

  • Plug your equipment in, as determined during your Tech Rehearsal.
  • Print out a copy of your slides and notes.
  • Review the Virtual Event Presentation Guidelines again.
  • Turn off air/heating systems and cell phones.
  • Hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door.
  • Have a glass of water at hand.

30 Minutes Before Your Presentation

  • Log into your presentation platform.
  • Run sound checks and make sure everything is working properly.
  • Confirm that your co-presenters are also logged in with working equipment.

15 Minutes Before Your Presentation

The audience will enter the platform fifteen minutes before your start time. Please do not advance slides or unmute your microphone during this time.

Connecting with Your Audience

During Your Presentation

  • When speaking, look directly into your camera.
  • Interact with your audience.
  • Keep an eye on the time, and leave at least ten minutes for Q&A.
  • End your session on time.



A moderator has been assigned to each session and is named in the session descriptions. This volunteer will contact speakers before the conference, as well as serve as the online moderator for the session. There will also be a support person for technical issues and general support of the program.

Moderators will follow this Moderator Checklist.

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Register to Attend

Speakers who wish to attend sessions other than their own will be responsible for registering for the conference. If you are attending only to present, then registration is not necessary. 

Unregistered Speakers will not be permitted to attend any other session or conference event and will receive no conference materials.

URMIA will not provide any registration discounts, royalties, honorariums, reimbursement of expenses, or other compensation to Speakers in connection with the conference.


Spread the Word!

As a proud supporter and speaker at URMIA’s 51st annual conference, please promote your session and help us build excitement!


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