Mentee’s Role
Mentees are interested in learning from those experienced in higher ed risk management around professional development opportunities in the field. Depending on their career goals, mentees may be seeking information about skills they should develop, resources they should access to learn more, and career trajectories of risk managers. Mentees should have an understanding of risk management topics they want to dig deeper into and be able to articulate to their mentors what their objectives are for the mentoring relationship.
Mentees will:
- Take responsibility for their own growth and success.
- Come prepared for each meeting with an agenda, including potential topics, objectives, visions, and dreams.
- Meet commitments on time.
- Ask good questions.
- Be open to learning new skills, attitudes, and behaviors.
- Be respectful of your mentor’s time.
- Show appreciation for your mentor’s feedback.
As a mentee, you agree to:
- Initiate contact with your assigned mentor.
- Be proactive in shaping the overall experience.
- Work together to develop communication protocols and meeting schedules.
- Provide feedback to URMIA while in the mentoring relationship and at its close.