Guidelines for Mentees

Mentee’s Role

Mentees are interested in learning from those experienced in higher ed risk management around professional development opportunities in the field. Depending on their career goals, mentees may be seeking information about skills they should develop, resources they should access to learn more, and career trajectories of risk managers. Mentees should have an understanding of risk management topics they want to dig deeper into and be able to articulate to their mentors what their objectives are for the mentoring relationship.

Mentees will:

  • Take responsibility for their own growth and success.
  • Come prepared for each meeting with an agenda, including potential topics, objectives, visions, and dreams.
  • Meet commitments on time.
  • Ask good questions.
  • Be open to learning new skills, attitudes, and behaviors.
  • Be respectful of your mentor’s time.
  • Show appreciation for your mentor’s feedback.

As a mentee, you agree to:

  • Initiate contact with your assigned mentor.
  • Be proactive in shaping the overall experience.
  • Work together to develop communication protocols and meeting schedules.
  • Provide feedback to URMIA while in the mentoring relationship and at its close.

Mentee FAQs

Who are the mentors?
Mentors are URMIA members who have at least 7 years of experience in higher ed risk management.

How will mentees be matched to mentors?
Our URMIAmentors volunteer group will review the applications and help pair up the mentors and mentees based on information contained in the applications.

What if the mentor isn’t the right fit for my needs?
Not all pairings are a perfect match. We ask that you give the relationship 6 months, but if you decide it just isn’t a good fit and wish to be paired with another mentor, contact URMIA and we will work on getting you re-assigned.

Where can I meet with my mentor?
Unless you just happen to live close to your mentor, most meetings are expected to take place online (Teams, Zoom, etc.) or over the phone. If both of you are planning to be at URMIA’s 2025 Annual Conference, we will be planning a special meeting for participants in person.

How long does the mentoring relationship last?
We ask that mentors and mentees commit to 12 months for the program. After this period, if both parties wish to continue, it will be outside the URMIA program.

How do I get started?
Complete the mentee application and URMIA will be in contact with a mentee assignment or further communication about the process within a few weeks of submission.